2015 is the year that I admit that I care. Up until this point I have put a lot of effort and investment into my business, my skills as a photographer, and into making friends with other wedding industry people. But I haven’t admitted to myself or shown others that I really care about this. It could be because the whole idea of the “wedding industry” or the “wedding industrial complex” feels icky, or I that like hanging out by the other wallflowers until I can read the room. However, I’m coming around to embracing this job for the beautiful honor that it is. I’m over trying to playing it cool. I feel done cringing with self-promotion shame every time I post to instagram. I feel good about committing myself to something that I have grown to love rather than just using it as a means to an end. To here’s to 2015. I’m resolving to hurl myself in and can’t wait to see what happens.
Image was taken during #everyweddingisanadventure